2011-09-24 - MCRRC Lake Needwood 10k XC

^z 18th September 2024 at 5:13pm

~6.2 miles @ ~9 min/mi

"Wait, Mark!" Dee Nelson shouts as I stagger away from the finish line. Dee has finished a few seconds behind me at today's tough MCRRC 10k cross-country race. She runs across the grass and gives me a big hug. This is what "competition" means: striving together. Dee is an amazing runner, in her 60's and super-strong. For the past few years we've been informal friendly rivals, helping each to bring out the best in the other. Today is no exception. Matt Bevan and I are cruising along near the midpoint of today's race when Dee blasts by. We give chase, and at about mile 5 on a big downhill I manage to pass again, flying almost out of control, and maintain a lead to the finish line. The official result:

48 39/60 3/7 666 Mark Zimmermann M 58 Kensington MD MCRRC 55:56 9:00

(cf. GPS trackfile, September2005JogLog, 2006-09-16 - Ken-Gar plus Lake Needwood Orbit, 2008-09-27 - Lake Needwood 10k plus, ...) - 2011-10-10